Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Reading 2014

Can we all agree that sitting outside by the pool all day and then coming into an air conditioned house makes you just want to curl up on the couch and read for hours? I remember back in 2002, I spent the entire afternoon out at my uncle's pool and ended the day on the couch with A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I don't think I popped back up from that couch for 4 hours until the book was read from front to back.  That right there is what summer is all about (oh and watermelon, bright pink nail polish, baseball games, and straw bags). Thankfully there are SO many good summer reads out right now and I can't wait to get cracking on this list myself.

Any others I should add to my list?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

How I Manage to Read 50+ Books A Year With Two Small Children.

A glass of wine and a good book. Heaven!

One question that a lot of my friends seem to ask me is "How in the world do you get the time to read so many books when you have two small children?!" I love answering this question because, a) it gives me a chance to talk about reading (which is my favorite subject besides my children) and b) it helps to encourage and motivate my friends and family to pick up a book which the former teacher in me loves to do.

The short answer is that I just make it a priority. Reading makes me really happy so I make sure to do it as much as possible.

I often read when my children are independently playing because I think it's really important for them to see me read. I have so many memories of my parents reading and I really think it made me that much more interested in it. So, I get to read and it's good for them to see me doing it - a win win for all!

 I listen to audiobooks while I clean, cook, or drive alone. I FLY through books this way. Also, I'll try to have an audiobook copy AND a hard copy just so I can basically always have access to my book regardless of what I am doing. (99% of my audiobooks come from my library's Overdrive app.) 

I end every single day in bed with a book and try to get a solid 20 minutes of reading in (and that usually has to mean that I'm in bed by 10:00 just to ensure that I don't pass out as soon as my eyes hit the first word.) 

Sometimes, and okay, this is incredibly dorky, but sometimes I'll divide a book by 7-10 days and try to read that many pages in order to finish it by a certain day. I usually will do this if I have a two week loan out and I am running out of time to finish it. Such good motivation to read!

H A P P Y    R E A D I N G !


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Favorite Trader Joe's Products Spring 2014

When I gave birth to Henry, Trader Joe's sent me congratulatory flowers and I think that's when it really hit me that I shop there way too much. It's like they were thinking, the least we can do is send our best and favorite customer a bouquet of flowers after the birth of her baby! Okay, well maybe not quite but it was a very kind gesture and it just made me love Trader Joe's even more.  Anyway, I could babble on about how much I love this store but let's get to the good stuff - my FAVORITE TJ's products!

1. I can't live without this olive oil popcorn. Most of the time I have to yell for Dan across the house to take the bag away from me because I can't stop eating it.  Can we also not talk about how much popcorn I have found inbetween the couch cushions? #pigemoji

2. These strawberry mochi treats are really good too. I usually have two for dessert and find them to be very satisfying.

3. I have recently discovered these plantain chips and think they are perfect when I'm craving something salty and crunchy. They actually could pass for potato chips in my opinion with a fraction of the calories.

4. Dried fuji apples. My picky 3 year old loves them so I always have these on hand for a quick snack.

5.  MINI FRUIT PIES. So so so good.

6. These zucchini fries are so good on the side with a piece of chicken and a yam. One of my favorite dinners!

7.  This Cruciferous mix is fantastic eaten raw with peanut dressing (also sold at TJ's) , sliced chicken, and edamame. Mix it all up and you have a quick and healthy dinner.

What are some of your favorite Trader Joe's products? I'd love to hear!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 2014 WAS...

- Ryan turning 3 and having a small birthday party at The Little Gym.

- trying to keep Ryan quiet during Henry's two naps a day.

- starting to get serious about working out and loving Blogilates workouts and long walks with the double bob stroller.

- looking forward to Mellow Mushroom pizza on Saturday nights while finishing watching Orange is the New Black and starting on Mad Men.

- It was Dan building a garden bed and planting some fruits and veggies.

- Henry crawling as fast as lightning, pulling up on everything and letting go, bruises on his forehead from being way too fearless, two bottom teeth, loud num num num sounds while eating anything and everything, constantly smiling and laughing and loving life.

- Ryan going to mom's morning out classes three times a week.

- It was posting entirely too many instagram pictures.

- Going grocery shopping at night after the boys are in bed and discovering some great new snacks like plantain chips.

- Ryan's first dentist appointment which he DID not enjoy (minus the awesome waiting room equipped with a pirate ship slide/clubhouse!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Going to Try This Again!

I must, must, must keep blogging even though it is probably the last thing I have time for. I just found my old blog from when Ryan was born and it was so awesome to look back on and read what he was doing those first few weeks. It is interesting to compare Ryan and Henry (and also would be nice to have that reminder that breastfeeding WILL get easier and we will sleep again!) at the same age and also so nice to have these memories that pass so quickly saved in one space.

Anyway, moving on!

So Henry is 2 weeks old today! As always, time feels like it is flying by but also feels like it is moving reeeeaaaaallllllyyyy slowly. That's always the case though, isn't it?  Such a beautiful boy with his blue eyes and red hair!

We have Henry's 2 week appt this afternoon so I will report back on his height/weight. (**8lbs 6 oz and 21 inches!) Overall, things are going as well as expected. Henry is a pretty good baby... sleeps decently enough (anywhere from 3-4 hour increments although we have had our fair share of 2 hour wakeups), is pretty laid back, loves to snuggle and be held, is a champion breastfeeder (although I still see stars when he latches on but after a few sips the pain eases up.... and no nipple shield like his brother!!). We've been dealing with some severe fussiness from around 6-9pm (last night was the worst... could NOT get him to settle down for like 3 hours but once he did he slept 4 hours!). He is definitely a mama's boy and settles down almost immediately when he hears my voice or when I pick him up... I love it but it also makes it really hard to have a break from this mini man. I keep counting down to that 6 week mark when we hopefully get some longer sleep stretches, some smiles, some relief on the breastfeeding woes and also hopefully a little cool down outside so I can wear the Solly Wrap out without sweating to death!

What we have been up to this week -
- Ryan went to the movies with Grandma ~ his first one and saw Chimpanzee! (Thankful for $1 summer movies at our local theater!)
- Ryan had his first kiss with Kaylin.. cutest thing ever!! Erica and I were squealing like two crazy moms haha. Can't wait to pull this picture out when he's in high school ;)
- Ryan will use the potty on command (peeing only though!) and earns himself a piece of cookie each time. Thinking that we will do a full out potty training method maybe over Thanksgiving weekend. Definitely ready for him to be potty trained though - not a fan of 2 babes in diapers!
- Ryan will ask to kiss Henry before bedtime! (side note: Ryan kisses means he bangs his forehead against your head haha).
-Henry is a great napper once we actually get him down.  I've been doing the boppy transfer like I used to do with Ryan. Has an 80% success rate.
-Engorgement is still horrible. Can't remember when it got better with Ryan but I'm having a really hard time with it now. Makes it near impossible to leave the house without causing a lot of embarrassment to myself. Speaking of, I haven't left the house (besides walks) in a week and a half. Today will actually be my first time driving since having Henry.

Halfway to surviving my first week alone with both kids. Thankful for my mom who has taken Ryan every morning so far and for Dan being home by 6pm!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm in love...

with this dress! oh my gosh. I think it would look so cute paired with some tan Saltwaters and a fun necklace.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer 2013 Reading List

I'm only three months shy of turning 31 but summer reading lists still make me giddy. The lists! The prizes! The stack of books on my night stand! Ooooh... so many wonderful memories.  My summer reading list is pretty long this year and I'd be lucky to get through a quarter of them but I thought i'd share them with you guys. What's on your reading list this summer? Would love to add to this ever growing list :)

1. Me Before You (completed and loved)
2. Reconstructing Amelia
3. Life after Life
4. The Interestings
5. And the Mountains Echoed
6. Fly Away
7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (reread)
8. Someday, Someday, Maybe
9. Drinking and Tweeting
10. Smotherhood
11. The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian
12. Eleanor & Park
13. Wedding Night
14. The Burgess Boys
15. The Last Camellia
16. The Secret Keeper