Sunday, June 8, 2014

How I Manage to Read 50+ Books A Year With Two Small Children.

A glass of wine and a good book. Heaven!

One question that a lot of my friends seem to ask me is "How in the world do you get the time to read so many books when you have two small children?!" I love answering this question because, a) it gives me a chance to talk about reading (which is my favorite subject besides my children) and b) it helps to encourage and motivate my friends and family to pick up a book which the former teacher in me loves to do.

The short answer is that I just make it a priority. Reading makes me really happy so I make sure to do it as much as possible.

I often read when my children are independently playing because I think it's really important for them to see me read. I have so many memories of my parents reading and I really think it made me that much more interested in it. So, I get to read and it's good for them to see me doing it - a win win for all!

 I listen to audiobooks while I clean, cook, or drive alone. I FLY through books this way. Also, I'll try to have an audiobook copy AND a hard copy just so I can basically always have access to my book regardless of what I am doing. (99% of my audiobooks come from my library's Overdrive app.) 

I end every single day in bed with a book and try to get a solid 20 minutes of reading in (and that usually has to mean that I'm in bed by 10:00 just to ensure that I don't pass out as soon as my eyes hit the first word.) 

Sometimes, and okay, this is incredibly dorky, but sometimes I'll divide a book by 7-10 days and try to read that many pages in order to finish it by a certain day. I usually will do this if I have a two week loan out and I am running out of time to finish it. Such good motivation to read!

H A P P Y    R E A D I N G !


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